Corporate Governance

Corporate Policy Manual

Corporate Policy Manual was developed with the intention to become a reference for the implementation of actions and decisions in PT Aero Wisata (hereinafter referred to as Aerowisata) in the operations. The preparation was done by continuing and refining the policies that have been there, and equip it so that more relevant again with the current situation and plans for activities in the future.

Aerowisata Corporate Policy Manual is the highest ranking in the hierarchy of two levels of principal policy. At the second rank there is a set of Functional Policy, among others: HumanResources, Operations, Information, Finance & Accounting, Risk Management and other Functional Policy are described in the Standard Operating Procedure.

Corporate Policy Manual includes the core rules are used, and is a reference to all policies, systems, standard operating procedures and guidelines. Functional Policy is a set of policies that apply at the Company, which jointly serve as the reference in the management and implementation of all systems and procedures.

In addition to being a reference in execution of its activities, the Corporate Policy Manual also serves as a guide in conducting surveillance, and simultaneously became the criteria that examiners in assessing the validity of all decisions and regulations issued by the Company. Regulations, decisions or any kind of statements which are contrary to the contents of this Corporate Policy Manual thus declared invalid. Accordingly, the Aerowisata Corporate Policy Manual Aerowisata perform its function in the regulation of the Company.

Corporate Policy Manual is prohibited to be reprinted, copied or reproduced in any way without the written consent of the Director. Any additions or repairs of Corporate Policy Manual must obtain written approval from the Board of Directors and acknowledged by the Board of Commissioners.

Code of Conduct

Aerowisata committed to implementing practices of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in achieving its vision and mission. Code of Business Ethics and Conduct is one form of commitment. This guide sets out the eminent into the interpretation of Aerowisata behavior, related to Business Ethics and Conduct.

In running its business activities, Aerowisata applies standards of ethics complied with the corporate values Integrity, Professional, Synergy and Care for Environment.

Code of Business Ethics and Conduct are structured to be a reference to the Commissioners, Directors, Leaders, as Aerowisata employees in managing Aerowisata to achieve the vision, mission and objectives of Aerowisata. Code of Business Ethics and Conduct are structured to be a reference to the Commissioners, Directors, Leaders, as Aerowisata employees in managing Aerowisata to achieve the vision, mission and objectives of Aerowisata.

Code of Business Ethics and Conduct can be downloaded HERE

Good Corporate Governance

Good Corporate Governance is a process and structure used by the organs of the company to increase the success of efforts to create shareholder value over the long term with due regard to the interests of other stakeholders, based on legislation and ethical values.

The process of preparation of Code of Good Corporate Governance (COGCG) begins with the Aerowisata Kick-Off meeting held at Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta, which attended by the Board of Directors, Commissioners of Aerowisata and its subsidiaries. Furthermore Aerowisata conduct an assessment process conducted by the BPKP. BPKP assessment results produced seventy-seven recommendations which are used as the basis for improving the implementation of GCG in the Aerowisata. One of the recommendations BPKP is preparing the Code of Good Corporate Governance (COGCG) Aerowisata.

GCG team draft manuals such as the Code of Conduct, Coporate Policy Manual, and several Charter. The draft was discussed with Aerowisata GCG team, further discussed in the Joint Meeting of Directors and Commissioners. Finally, the approved draft is determined by the Directors Letters.

Whistle Blowing System

Whistle Blowing System (WBS) is a reporting mechanism that facilitate reporting of allegation regarding fraudulent as well as illegal and unethical conduct of Aerowisata personnel.

The company ensure confidentiality on the identity of whistleblower and provide protection to whistleblower. Report can be submitted through sending email to

Whistle Blowing System Mechanism

Anyone knowing the existence of a conduct that indicates a breach of rules or misconduct at PT Aerowisata is welcomed to report those conducts through WBS’ email.

The report should be complemented with the following information:
– Whistleblower identity
– Place and time of the misconduct
– Information about the person alleged as breaching rules or indicating misconduct
– Evidence supporting the report

In case the whistleblower does not provide a complete report, WBS Officer is entitled to request information to Whistleblower according to the set regulations.



Whistle Blowing System Online Form

If you see or find out about the alleged Corruption Crime by Aerowisata employees,
please report to the Aerowisata Internal Audit.
If your report meets the requirements / criteria, it will be processed further.

  • Personal Data

  • Violations Report

  • Max File 10MB